PLAYLIST | Cup of Comfort

There are days when we just want to be still and cry out. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, sickness, failed exam, miscarriage, hope deferred… we can always find comfort in God. He is our hope and our strength, our very present help.

Here are a couple of songs that speak of comfort, hope and praise in the midst of trials.

Even When It Hurts (Praise Song) | Hillsong United

Taking inspiration from Habakkuk 3:17-18, the song expresses a raw and emotional point of view of someone going through deep pain. Yet in the midst of a seemingly lost fight and sapped strength, it raises up a song of praise. A great reminder for us that we can indeed praise Him no matter what.

Cecie’s Lullaby | Steffany Gretzinger

How about a lullaby for comfort? The song is like a fluffy blanket you just want to wrap all over yourself. It’s lyrically beautiful track with a soft, tender melody. Perfect for that quiet moment with God.

You Are For Me | Kari Jobe

The lyrics “I know that You will never forsake me in my weakness” will definitely get to you. The song is a comforting encouragement for us to remember who God is… in and out of trials, He is gracious, faithful, and true.

All I Need Is You | Jesus Culture

When you are hurt and can’t quite express yourself, simply call on Jesus’ name. Cry it out, sing it out, shout it. Because really, all we need is Him.

Yahweh | Hillsong Worship

In as much as suffering is real, a greater reality is above it. And that is the truth of who God is. So go on, call on His name… Yahweh, the Great I Am, the God of heaven and earth, the One who reigns forever.

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